Is Investing in a Fall Weed Control Treatment Worth It?

December 19, 2023
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Fall can be an important time of year when it comes to weed control. Weeds will steal important resources from your grass, making your lawn vulnerable to the winter chill, especially in colder states like South Dakota where it snows and freezes. Weeds can also drag down the curb appeal of your lawn, so it’s best to get rid of them. If weeds are left unchecked in the fall, then those same weeds can persist until spring and you’ll have to deal with them then. To take care of weeds in the fall, you should invest in post-emergent weed control treatments to ensure that your lawn is free of nutrient-sapping weeds, that way it is prepared to endure the winter and will be better equipped to bounce back quickly in the spring.

Weeds steal essential nutrients that your lawn needs to survive the winter. 

Blog Herbicide Spray Lawn Care

Beyond just looking ugly, weeds are a menace to your lawn’s health. Weeds compete with your grass for nutrients and other important resources, which leaves your grass in a precarious situation, particularly in the winter. Without the proper nourishment, your lawn could struggle throughout the winter to remain healthy enough to bounce back when spring arrives. To help your lawn make it through the winter in good condition, make sure to invest in weed control treatments this fall!

Weeds lower your lawn’s curb appeal.

There is a vast difference between a manicured lawn free of weeds and one littered with them. If your lawn is filled with weeds, it can look unkempt and messy, dragging down the overall curb appeal of your property. So, prevent your lawn from becoming an eyesore this fall by investing in weed control treatments!

Leaving weeds to grow in the fall means you’ll have to deal with them in the spring.

If you leave weeds on your lawn in the fall and throughout the winter, you will still have to deal with them in the spring. Weeds will go dormant just like your grass and revive alongside it once the weather warms up again. Some weeds even stay green despite the cold. If you want your lawn to look good come spring and enter the growing season in good shape without having to deal with weeds, you should invest in weed control in the fall.

What is the best way to get rid of weeds in the fall? 

Blog The Lawn Barbers Clean Lawn

If you already have weeds growing in your yard in the fall, a post-emergent weed control treatment can help take care of the issue. Post-emergent treatments are designed to eliminate existing weeds. By ridding your lawn of weeds in the fall, you will give your grass better access to the resources it needs, and it will be able to build up its strength before it goes dormant for the winter. Then, when spring arrives, your lawn will have fewer weeds.

Some weeds take a while to react to treatments, so sometimes you have to wait several days to see results.

Give us a call today to schedule our weed control service.

Lawn care takes time, and sometimes life is too busy to manage it. If you find yourself struggling to get on top of your lawn care, then our team of professionals can help you achieve a weed-free lawn! Here at The Yard Barbers, our team is professionally trained, and we only use high-quality products. Our weed control program includes a fast-acting liquid treatment in the fall that will eliminate weeds from your lawn. We have been serving Sioux Falls, Harrisburg, and Tea, SD, as well as other nearby areas for 10 years. We offer our services to residential and commercial properties, as well as for HOAs. Call us at (605) 370-5084 to schedule our weed control service.

(605) 370-5084

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